Compre ion of sacral roots results in acute urinary retention 骶神经根受压导致急性尿潴留。
Invalid compre ion ecified 无效的压缩说明。
Occasionally , acute posterior midline disk prola e at the l2 - 3 level may cause compre ion of many nerve roots in the cauda equina 偶尔在腰2 ~ 3水平后正中位的椎间盘急性脱出,可使马尾部许多神经根受压。
Such a slow compre ion carries the gas through a series of states . each of which is very nearly an equilibrium state and it is called a quasi - static or a " nearly static " proce 这样的缓慢压缩能使这种气体经历一系列的状态,但各状态都很接近于平衡状态,所以叫做准静态过程,或"近似稳定"过程。
Acquired urinary tract o truction may be due to inflammatory or traumatic urethral strictures , bladder outlet o truction ( benign prostatic hypertrophy or cancer of the prostate ) , vesical tumors , neuropathic bladder , extri ic ureteral compre ion ( tumor , retroperitoneal fibrosis , or enlarged lymph nodes ) , ureteral or pelvic stones , ureteral strictures , or ureteral or pelivic tumors 获得性尿路梗阻可能由于炎性或损伤性尿道狭窄,膀胱出口梗阻(良性前列腺肥大或前列腺癌) 、膀胱肿瘤、神经性膀胱疾病、外源性输尿管压迫(肿瘤、腹膜后纤维化或巨大的淋巴结) 、输尿管结石或肾盂结石、输尿管狭窄、及输尿管或肾盂肿瘤引起。